Farm Truck Insurance NC
Call Now: (877) 739-9367


Farm truck insurance in NC is most needed for one piece of equipment largely crucial to success on the farm. This is of course, the “farm truck.”  If you are doing farm work, you can’t be without it. Thats why you need good ‘farm truck’ insurance.  We’ve been in the insurance business for 80+ years and we have some great people who can find it for you. Save your time and energy from starting an online quote.  A good, simple way is just call us and have a chat with one of our experienced commercial writers. They will search, compare and let you decide. People like Melissa, Anita, Donna and more are ready all day, every day to help. Call now (877) 739-9367

Usually a pickup truck, we know that as a commercial vehicle the ‘farm truck:

Is as important to the day-to-day running of the farm as any combine, tractor or other piece of equipment
Is used for carrying crops, plowing snow, getting supplies, simple transport of moving things around the farm
Is a critical component of good production
Must be insured properly to keep from losing any of that production
Needs the right kind of comercial insurance

There isn’t a single universal definition of a farm truck. However, most refer to it simply as a pickup or similar vehicle that:

  • Is used only for farm work
  • Is not driven on public roads, except for limited farm-related uses

Our commercial team will find you the right coverage options for your needs. Call us now at (877) 739-9367

The everyday work of plowing, planting and harvesting on American farms has never been easy. Just a few generations ago, it was mostly done with animal and human muscle power. Today, nearly all farms use machines for jobs that used to be done by mules and wagons.

However, an early 20th-century farmer would hardly recognize some of today’s farm machines. They may be as tall as a building and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. In place of a hard metal seat, modern tractors can have cozy-leather seats, have air-conditioned cabs and entertainment systems.


Insuring the Farm Truck or Vehicle (farm truck insurance)


As with any important piece of farm equipment, loss of the use of the farm truck can mean serious problems for farm operations. Unless the farmer has a second vehicle, other ways of delivering seed or transporting workers to the fields must be found. That is one thing to consider when looking for farm truck insurance.


But the farmer looking for farmer truck insurance must also think about whether to carry insurance in case someone is hurt in an accident involving the truck. This is called liability insurance.


Liability Coverage


In some states (including North Carolina), a farm truck must have a title and be registered. To register, the owner must have liability insurance (farm truck insurance). The farm truck owner must have at least the minimum amount required by state law.


Other states, such as Virginia, do not require either farm truck insurance or registration. However, many farmers choose not to take a chance of an uninsured loss and carry liability insurance. Uninsured\underinsured motorist coverage, is available to add on an automobile policy or under a farmowners’ insurance policy.


Additional Farm Truck Insurance


As with farm truck insurance, liability is only one type of available coverage. Some other types of coverage are worth considering.


Collision – This can help pay for repairs to a farm truck hit by another vehicle


OTC – ‘other than collision’ covers other types of vehicle damage, such as vandalism or storm damage


Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist – This insurance provides help in protecting you in the case of an accident with a driver who has less than the required minimum amount of insurance (or none at all).


Gap Insurance – If a loan was needed to buy a truck, this insurance can help cover the amount still owed to the lender after an accident.


Non-Owned Insurance – This coverage will pay for damages to a farm’s employee’s personal car if it is being used for farm business.


As always, your insurance agent is a great place to go for advice about which of these additional types of coverage are right, and which farm truck insurance to purchase.

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