What is Renters Insurance and What Does it Cover?
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
If you plan to rent an apartment or a home in North Carolina, you’ll need renters insurance. Not only will most reputable landlords not rent to someone without insurance, but you need to cover yourself as well.
Without renters insurance, you leave a lot of gaps in coverage. You’ll leave a lot of risk in your life without this policy. For renters, this type of coverage shouldn’t be optional.
What is Renters Insurance?
If you’re renting a home or an apartment, renters insurance provides coverage for stolen possessions, lost things, and damages. The coverage also works for damages to the home.
If someone is hurt while at your place, the coverage will also help with injuries on the rented property. The injured person may be able to file a claim, and the insurance company would then cover any costs associated with injuries on the property.
What Does Renters Insurance Cover?
When you purchase renters insurance, you’re buying coverage that provides monetary reimbursement if you, as a tenant, suffer losses or damaged possessions in the property. This could be a result of theft, vandalism, or fire.
The tenant’s liability is also covered if a visitor ends up injured on the rented premises. The landlord’s policy may cover an injury by this depends on the situation, location, and who is at fault for the injury.
If you need alternative living arrangements, renters insurance can provide some type of compensation in certain situations. For example, the coverage would kick in if the home is not habitable during a storm or apartment fire.
Is the Coverage Required and Needed?
Renters insurance is not required by law. You do not have to carry this coverage while renting a home or apartment. However, that doesn’t mean you don’t need it, or your landlord won’t require it.
For example, many landlords absolutely require renters insurance before renting to a tenant. Without a policy, you won’t be able to sign a lease with many landlords.
Is renters coverage needed? That depends on your landlord and your possessions. The coverage is especially useful if you own valuable items. A renters policy helps protect your possessions while renting a home.
The Real Reason to Carry Renters Insurance
Renters coverage comes in handy in a number of situations. The main reason we recommend carrying a renters policy is a good amount of insurance. With this coverage, you can almost guarantee that anything that happens on the premises will be covered.
Either your renter’s policy or the landlord’s insurance will ensure anything that happens is covered. When you buy renters coverage, you’re also paying for little boost of confidence. You won’t have any worries with this policy.
Find the Perfect Policy
Are you looking to get renters insurance before you move into a new place? The best way to find the perfect policy for your needs is to shop around. Make sure you speak with a plethora of insurance agents to find the best deal.
Often, the carrier you have other policies with will be able to offer you a great deal by combining coverage. If you’re ready to get a good amount of insurance while renting, then a renters policy is absolutely mandatory.
When you want to discuss it further, please contact our team at ProtectiveAgency.com or call (877) 739-9367. Our licensed insurance agents will be happy to answer any questions you have.